
HSE Policy (Health, Safety, and Environment Policy)

ÜNKA has adopted the principle of creating added value for its customers, the sector, and the national economy with its well-trained employees who are aware of their responsibilities, by operating in a HEALTHY, SAFE, and ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY manner in accordance with its founding principles.

In line with this principle, all members of the ÜNKA management take the lead in these efforts.

All employees, in line with the company policy, implement all the rules necessary to ensure health, technical safety, and environmental protection. Each employee is responsible for ensuring their own safety as well as the safety of their colleagues.

As part of its corporate policy, ÜNKA has adopted the following principles for its activities:

  • To protect the health and safety of personnel and others during work.
  • To protect the environment.
  • To prevent damage to material assets.
  • To protect the property and information of personnel and the company.

ÜNKA employees should actively strive to create a safe working environment, prevent injuries that may occur during operations, and achieve high standards. They should also endeavor to develop new measures where necessary to protect the health, safety, and environment of everyone affected by their activities.

ÜNKA employees adopt the principle that all kinds of injuries during operations can be prevented. They should actively work to develop a high level of safety awareness, discipline, and the sense of personal responsibility required by this principle among everyone involved in their activities.

ÜNKA must ensure that all its employees continuously act with a high level of health, safety, and environmental protection awareness and are equipped with the necessary skills and support to do so.

ÜNKA should emphasize the responsibility within the hierarchical structure, strengthen safety awareness, and ensure that employees actively participate in identifying and implementing the necessary measures to protect and improve health and safety during work.

ÜNKA must ensure that subcontractors under its direct supervision fully adopt and implement the standards regarding health, safety, and environmental protection. Likewise, it must ensure that the organizations from which it procures equipment, services, etc., adopt the same approach.

ÜNKA should ensure that personnel and subcontractors are aware of the potential risks to themselves, the public, and the environment. It should aim to prevent accidents, minimize those that may occur despite all precautions, and compensate for any resulting material and moral damages.

ÜNKA must take the necessary precautions to protect nature from any negative impacts caused by its operations.

ÜNKA should consult with government agencies, labor organizations, academic and professional institutions, and non-governmental organizations regarding the measures to be taken during operations. It should ensure that the knowledge and experience developed in this area are shared with these organizations.